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Testimonials Carousal

vaibhav-xt's github profile

This is the testimonial carousal made with vanilla javascript.


hritikd3's github profile

CocktailDB is a web application that allows users to explore a vast collection of cocktails, along with their prices, ingredients, and details

Flashcards App

ashishsurya's github profile

Flashcards app which is used for storing deck of flashcards for storing question and answers for academic purpose

Audio Book

whiteknight16's github profile

Give a pdf and the bot can read it out for you

News App

Pro-18's github profile

This is a basic clone of Inshort that makes use of the Api key.

Temperature-converter app

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

temperature converter is used to convert temperature kelvin , Fahrenheit,Celsius

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Soumya-Kushwaha's github profile

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning & Python

QR Code Generator

Vidip-Ghosh's github profile

An application which is able to generate a QR code of every website. URL of the website is provided as an input and its able to generate corresponding QR code for that website.

shopzy e-commerce

kirtiraj22's github profile

It is the frontend part of an e-commerce website called Shopzy.


BhartiNagpure's github profile

In this project , I use qoutable api to fetch the daily random qoutes with their author name.